Sunday, April 17, 2011

Google Earth

Another great technology tool that I recommend using to increase your students' motivation and retention is Google Earth.  There are so many ways to use Google Earth in the classroom because of the numerous features it contains.  The way that I have used it in my social studies classes is having the students create tours based on movements of generals and their armies in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War.  Using the "Turn Back the Clock" feature, you can change the time period from present to the time period being studyied which makes it even more realistic.  Students love working in groups to create the tours and are able to better grasp strategies that the generals had to come up with when fighting in those important wars that took place on American soil.  Go to to download Google Earth and start using it in your classroom today!


Voki is a great alternative to a written biographical report on an important historical figure.  Using a Voki is a great motivator for the students because they enjoy creating and customizing their avatar.  Learning still takes place and it is quite possible that the students will retain more information by using a Voki.  When students are required to write a research paper, they more than likely simply regurgitate the information that they research and fulfilling requirements just to get a good grade.  They find that sort of assignment tedious and therefore tend to forget any facts shortly after completing the paper.  Vokis change that and allow the students to be more active learners.  The way that I use Voki in my classroom to increase interest and retention is quite simple.  I have my students do the typical research on a person of importance during the time period we are studying.  They then write a script that chronologically goes through the historical person's life highlighting their important contributions to history.  Next, they get to create their avatar which of course they absolutely love!  Finally, they record their script using Audacity, upload it to, and publish their completed project.  They get to share their Voki with the class and everyone is able to learn more while having fun.  What more could you want from your students as a teacher!!  For more information, visit the Voki website:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photo Story

Microsoft Photo Story is another example of an alternative to written reports that much like the Voki, increases both motivation and retention.  Students create a slideshow and provide narration and background music.  They get to choose the pictures and background music that they feel best expresses their story.  Photo Stories can be either done individually or collaboratively as a class.  I have used both in my classroom.  I had a class of 8th grade students create a Photo Story on WWI.  They each were given a term, event, or person that was involved and had to research it.  They found pictures and facts and recorded their parts individually.  As a class, they searched for and voted on the music and put the final project together.  I also had a 7th grade class complete their own Photo Story individually.  They had to pretend that they were a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition.  They found pictures of animals, plants, and other sights that had not yet been discovered during that time period and created a script that was as if they were writing in their personal journal.  Both classes really enjoyed creating Photo Stories  Here is the link to find out more information as well as download Photo Story 3 for your computer: